Beauty Hotline Ep. 2 | Vogue France | Mara Lafontan
In this new series, Vogue France places the spotlight on a Frenchwoman with a fresh and offbeat approach. Mara Lafontan, who reigns as a super tester, unpacks the beauty highlights of the moment. What to expect in this episode? Our new host takes a look at the topics that have resonated with you the most over the last few weeks. Then, because this episode is all about "new freshness," Mara analyzes the most aphrodisiac fragrances of the moment, before giving us the inside scoop on the art of how to apply them properly. Then, it's time for the real-life challenge. With winter fast approaching, how can we maintain a shimmery glow? Mara shares her tips and favorite products! The episode finishes on a green note, with a round-up of this month's best sustainable products for a glowing future.
Director: Nicole Lily Rose
Chief Image Operator: Charles Brun
Operator Camera B: Nicolas Voisin
Camera Assistant : Giacomi Gillino
Sound: Hubert Rey Grange
Head of Production Vogue: Amaury Delcambre
Video Development Lead: Louise des Ligneris
Producer Rumeur: Flavia Cardoso
Executive Producer Rumeur: Gaëlle Bijani
Chief Electrician: Emmanuel Pierrat
Chief Decorator: Samuel Bégis
Decorator Assistant: Julio Rebora
Stylist: Rebecca Purshouse
Stylist Assistant: Isabela Orozco Castillo, Agathe Tréhorel
HMU: Clotilde Laisne
Stage Management: Laura Alday
Mara Lafontan's Agent: Camille Sonnois
Editor: Sarah Ceravolo
Color Grade: Rafael Sultan
Mix Engineer: Manuel Lormel
Graphic Direction and Visual Creation: Celya Bendjenad
Motion Designer Vogue: Gabriel Delmas
Post-Production Manager: Derya Ayverdi ; Adélina Bichet Elzey
Post-Producer Vogue: Agathe Romain
Post-Producer Assistant Vogue: Edouard Condat
Video Programming: Stéphanie Amaya
Video Operations: Marie Jaso
Head of Video Department: Thomas Leroy
Editor-in-Chief Vogue Beauté: Frédérique Verley
Social and Video Editor At-Large: Hugo Compain
Head of Editorial Content: Eugénie Trochu
MaraLafontan #BeautyHotline #VogueFrance